First Steps

Lets start by creating a Cargo project (in the current directory) and adding Fluxion:

cargo init project_name
cd project_name
cargo add fluxion

Fluxion needs to be called from an async context. As Fluxion is executor agnostic, it doesn't matter which library is used. Here we will be using Tokio, although any executor will work:

cargo add tokio --features full

Next, we need to make the main function async, and import a few helpers from Fluxion, and create the Fluxion system:

use fluxion::Fluxion;

async fn main() {
    // Create the Fluxion system:
    let system = Fluxion::new("system_id", ());

The above code initializes a Fluxion system with the id "system_id" and the delegate ().

What is a delegate?

A delegate is an external type that provides methods to retrieve MessageSenders, which allow actors to communicate with actors on external systems. The unit type (()) is a simple delegate that always returns that no foreign actor was found. Later in this book, we will explore creating our own simple delegate.

Now that we have a system, we need to add an actor to it, and to do that, we must define an actor.